Baculite Mesa, Pierre Shale, Pueblo, CO - 5/17/2003

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Ammonite curling around in a concretion\n(right side of previous images)\nExiteloceras jenneyi (Whitfield) ?\nRusty Zone or Tepee Zone of Pierre Shale\nLate Cretaceous Period, Approx 74.8 mya. \nRusty Zone or Tepee Zone of Pierre Shale. \nCollector: WIPS member.
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Ammonite curling around in a concretion
(right side of previous images)
Exiteloceras jenneyi (Whitfield) ?
Rusty Zone or Tepee Zone of Pierre Shale
Late Cretaceous Period, Approx 74.8 mya.
Rusty Zone or Tepee Zone of Pierre Shale.
Collector: WIPS member.